Friday, January 1, 2016

Five for Friday - Happy New Year!


Happy New Year and Happy Five for Friday!  This vacation has been a great one.  It will be hard to go back to school on Monday!


Oh Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree - I was really into Christmas trees apparently.

My brother wanted cash for Christmas.  While I was happy to oblige, I wanted to give it in a fun way.  

What could be better than a Christmas tree made of Lindor truffles?  Maybe one made with Godiva, but who can afford that?


Reindeer Gifts - I was feeling crafty this year, so all the third grade teachers and aides got a reindeer wrapped in a chocolate bar.  I had a nice assembly line going and only got bored with making them towards the end.  There are a lot of teachers and aides on our team!


Paint Nite - Have you heard of Paint Nite?  It's a night out with the girls where you can drink and eat while an instructor goes through step by step how to make a certain painting.  It's a fun night.  We are planning our next outing for February.

I guess that I have been in a super crafty mood lately!


Reading List for the Year - Do you follow We Are Teachers?  I love them!  Today they posted 15 Best Books for Classroom Management.  I thought they looked interesting and already put a hold on some at my local library.  I love any new ideas that I can try!


Check out my sale on Teachers Pay Teachers.  Everything is on sale this weekend - perfect for back to school planning.

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