Friday, October 16, 2015

Five for Friday


How is it we are already halfway through October?  This year is flying by!  Happy Five for Friday!  


Evacuation - We survived our first (and hopefully last!) evacuation this school year.  This time we were evacuated due to a gas leak.  At least the day we were evacuated was a beautiful one.  My students were in lunch and didn't hear the announcement.  Some thought it was a drill.  Other students thought that this is just something we due in our building.  Either way, by the time notes went home at the end of the day, they had totally forgotten the whole thing!

Spooky Reads - I couldn't motivate myself to go all out and decorate like I have done in the past. One exception was taking a cauldron and labeling it Spooky Reads (another Pinterest idea).  This is my new spot to hold the read aloud books for the week.

I found these sticker letters in my garage.  I guess it was meant to be!


You've Been Booed - Every year, I start a ghost that goes around "booing" teachers and leaving treats along the way.  I almost forgot it this year.  It's a good thing I decided to look at my October binder. Hopefully I won't be so forgetful about Secret Santa (too soon to think about that?). 

Learning Games - I am finally pulling out some games I got from my Donors Choose project last year but never got a chance to use.  My students are loving them.  We reviewed context clues and text features.  They are so excited to be able to use them in centers!


Bedtime - It's just after 6.  I think that's a decent time for bed.  I am exhausted!  How was this only a 4-day week?


  1. I'm always more tired on 4-day weeks than regular weeks!

  2. We need you on our staff! Sounds like you like to bring happiness to other teachers :)

    Made with Love

  3. Spooky reads sounds so cute! Bet the kiddos love it. I love the sound of all this 'boo'ed' that goes on !! I've loved seeing pics of what everyone has been getting :)

    Teaching Autism
