Friday, May 22, 2015

Five for Friday


Woo-hoo!  It is Friday, my favorite day of the school week!  Happy Five for Friday!  


Orange Julius/Oranges/Honey/Vicks in Socks - Sickness hit hard this week!  I have been taking spoonfuls of honey to ward off my sore throat.  It is a miracle cure!  From the moment I start taking it, my sore throat is gone!  The oranges and Orange Julius (I hate regular orange juice) are an attempt to get plenty of vitamin C into my system.  I have also slathered on Vicks onto my feet and covered them with socks to help eliminate coughing fits (also great for making feet pedicure smooth).  I hate being sick and am always willing to try any and every home remedy I can find.  In my head it makes the illnesses go away faster.


Purchase Orders - I finally finished writing all our grade level purchase orders and compiling all the purchase orders for the school this week!  Woo-hoo!  Now maybe my eyes will uncross.


A Bad Case of Stripes - Today's Fun Friday was coordinated with this story.  We made 3-d looking drawings with markers.  It's not as cool as the pictures I have seen but it did keep my students occupied for a long time!



Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude - I am missing my copy of this book.  I know that it is somewhere in my garage.  My goal is to find it this weekend.  I love this book.  It is an awesome way of showing students how they can work together.  All school year I have been wanting to read this. Why am I only motivated now to find it?

Once Upon a Cool Motorcycle Dude. My favorite book to read to my ...


Next Year Worries - I talked with one of the 2nd grade teachers this week.  She wanted to apologize for the issues we will be getting next school year.  She told us that the 1st grade teachers apologized to them, and she had to pass it on.  How can next year be any worse?