Sunday, June 29, 2014

Free cycling

I have started school, taught my first ever teacher workshop,  and finally got a new air conditioner!  It has been busy so far.

I thought I would share free cycling with you.  Free cycling is a group you can join (I use yahoo groups) in which members post things they are getting rid of or ask anyone if they have a particular item. You can ask for that item and pick them up. I have gotten bags of books, a bean bag chair, and lots of games for my classroom. Everything is free. The purpose of this is keeping things out of landfills. I joined two local towns in their free cycling groups.

Today I am going through the bag of toys I got to determine what new games I can make from them. Last summer I made checkers and Jenga games for math. So far, I have made a Don't Break the Ice division game. I am debating what to use Chutes and Ladders and Candyland for...probably reading.


  1. Beth, thanks...I am now signed up for freecyle! Love your ideas!
