Oh well, at least I had a long weekend. I will let that comfort me! Here are some of my favorite activities/resources for President's Day. Happy (super late) Five for Friday!
1. Abraham Lincoln's Log Cabin - I live in the Land of Lincoln, so we focus on Abraham Lincoln in our classroom. To make his log cabin, take an empty (clean) milk carton for the base. Depending on allergies, use frosting or peanut butter to "glue" pretzels to the sides.
2. John, Paul, George, and Ben - Technically this isn't just about the presidents. However, it is a Lane Smith book. The kids get a kick out of it while getting some real facts.

3. Brain Pop Abraham Lincoln Video - This video is a freebie. I love Brain Pop. There are amazing videos with a lot of great information in them.
4. Websites - There are tons of great websites out there. Here are just a few to try.
Primary Games - Lots of links for teacher worksheets, facts, games, and more.
Kids.gov - Links for students to visit that will take them to safe sites to research presidents.
HIP Pocket Change - This site focus on the presidents through the coins they are on. It has some interesting links.
PBS Democracy Project - This is super cool! Students get to become president. They make decisions about how they want to spend their day. They are then shown other presidents that have made similar decisions.
Interactive White House Tour - This takes students inside the White House.
5. Jewelry - I have jewelry for pretty much every holiday/season. I just need to show off my President's Day jewelry.

Love your log cabin! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you!
DeleteP.S. I see you are turning 35! I turn 40 this year and to make myself feel better I made this list of 40 things. You could for 35 things! Super fun and I did this with my students as well. Have a great week!
I love the idea and will definitely be using it!