Woo-hoo! It is Friday. I am so glad it is finally here! Most of my five this week are about some of the crazy things that happened to me and my colleagues. Happy Five for Friday!
PARCC, Part 2 - This week was the second round of PARCC for my students. The tests, themselves, were not as bad as the first round. The only issue I had was a surprise fire drill when we were about to start the test. At first I thought a computer was malfunctioning. Nobody in their right mind would schedule a drill during standardized testing - right?
When the drill was over, we had to immediately start the test as there were classes due in after us. This was the first standardized test that my students did not take seriously. They rushed through the test, spun around in their chairs, etc. I think the thing that drove me the craziest was when one of my girls raised her hand partway through her test and asked to stop it because she didn't want to go to fourth grade.
And the winner is... - I need to award one of my boys with an Oscar for his performance with a cell phone. On Thursday he came to school with a cell phone. In the morning, he turned his phone in (a rule in our class - it eliminates the problems with kids wanting to play with phones). His story was that the phone was his sisters. He wanted to take the pink case off because he did not want the students to make fun of him. At the end of the day, he went to get the phone. That's when a girl in my class freaked out claiming it was her phone. The boy was calm in claiming it was his, even putting the code in the phone to show it was his. It turns out the phone really was the girl's phone. I don't know how he knew her elaborate code. It's a good thing that I know not to trust this boy. His performance would make anyone think that the phone really was his. How are third graders such great liars?
Autism Awareness Bundles - These bundles raised over $400 for autism awareness! This was a nice fundraiser for a great cause!

Parent Contact - I think that I had the most interesting talk with a parent today. The mom came up to discuss why I haven't seen her lately. It was because she moved to Florida. Her son doesn't know it yet. Apparently she has been living and working there since January. He doesn't even realize she technically doesn't live in the same house with him. He thinks she has been working a lot. His grandma has been taking him to and from school (although this is nothing new). She plans on springing it on both him and his dad when school is over. All I can think is - What the heck is wrong with people?
Grandparents/Special Persons Day - Our school has an open house every year in May to welcome grandparents. My class had no one show up. This was not a surprise since nobody signed up. I think that was better than the poor children in some of the other classes that were crying because their special people that signed up did not show up. Once again, what is wrong with people?

Wow, what a week you've had! I have some Oscar nominees in my class too - they'd just as soon fib as look at you! It blows my mind. I can hardly believe that a parent actually moved out of the state and her kiddo doesn't know it! I wonder the same thing you do quite often - what is wrong with people??
ReplyDeleteI hope next week is extra positive to make up for the craziness of this week!
Sarah Beth
Miss White's Classroom
I hope for a positive week too! Thanks for your support!