As usual, I am glad it is Friday! It was a bit busy - PARCC Testing, schedule changes, and parent/teacher conferences. Happy Five for Friday!
Parent/Teacher Conferences - We always have 2 sets of conferences each year. Of my 24 students, I only had 12 parents show up. Most of the conferences went really well. Their were no surprises as many of the parents that were there were ones that I had to contact in the past week. With so few parents showing up, I had a lot of free time. This allowed me to finally organize the cabinet in my classroom.
If you have conferences coming up soon in your classroom, please check out my free packet on TPT.

PARCC Math - Has anyone taken the PARCC Math test yet? It is awful. I felt really bad for my students. They were trying so hard. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised that half of my class raised their hands to tell me that they couldn't label their answers on some problems. I was so pleased that my drilling of labeling their answers was seared on their brains! While the reading test was not so awful, the math test was ridiculous. I felt so bad for the kids.
Behavior Groups - Now that my intern is getting ready to take over teaching the whole day, I am trying to find ways to help support him while not in the classroom. One way is starting the day with a behavior group. I picked 3 students that act out severely in the classroom. We are working on monitoring behavior, dealing with feelings, and gratitude. To help, I made a few simple pages for students to fill out when we meet. If you are interested, click here for a free download.

Donors Choose - I decided to create a new project on Donors Choose that would be at least partially paid for through a grant. I know that I have written a lot about the benefits of using Donors Choose. My class has benefited with tons of things that I could not have afforded on my own. My new project is down to $128 to get funded! It's getting closer (after starting at over $450). Click here to see my project and then create your own.
To find funding opportunities, click on your account, then the resources tab, and finally partner funding opportunities. This page is broken down into opportunities by state.
To find funding opportunities, click on your account, then the resources tab, and finally partner funding opportunities. This page is broken down into opportunities by state.
Weather - What happened to the nice weather? Today it snowed causing tons of accidents. Great way to end the week after the 5+ inches of snow on Monday. This bites! I want the 50 degrees back!

Thanks for your kind words. Happy teaching!