Saturday, April 27, 2013


I have a student that has had some severe needs.  One issue she has is that she rubs her arm until it is practically raw.  To help discourage this, I created a fabric ring for her.  I cut out about 8 different types of fabrics with very different textures.  Some textures were silky while others ranged to a burlap feel.  I punched a hole through each one and clipped them together with a binder ring.  We clipped this on the side of her desk.  She created a name for this, her feathers.  Every time she would start rubbing her arm, I would remind her of her "feathers."  Now I don't have to remind her anymore.  She has since lost her "feathers," but now she no longer rubs her arm.

Modifications - Glue a strip of fabric or Velcro to the desk of a student that needs to feel different textures that may need the feel of this to stay focused.

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