Some teachers despise and dread April Fool's Day. I decided to embrace the day and amuse myself. This year, I miss the fun as we are on Spring Break. If you have the pleasure of being at school, please try one or more of the activities below. You will turn a day most teachers try to avoid into one of your favorite days!
Spelling Test
One of the blog's that I follow, Bunting, Books, and Bright Ideas, gave me a great idea to try. She gives the students a spelling test where the words turn into a sentence when read together. I slightly modified this to "There really is no spelling test. I tricked you. Happy April Fool's Day!" After giving the last word, have the students read aloud the words to "check" their work.
Another prank is bringing in a pan with brown letter E's cut out in order to give the kids "brown-e's." I make sure to use a pan from home that is covered with foil and promise to give out the brownies at the end of the day for students with great behavior. At the end of the day, after passing out the brown-e's, I give real brownies. While I like to have fun, it would be too cruel not to give them out.
Pop Quiz
I have given out a "Pop Quiz" in the past. Basically, I give them a sheet that asks about the kind of pop they like the best. I give the students a mini can of pop afterwards. My teacher did this for me when I was younger. I remember how cool it was, so I bring this back from time to time.
Following Directions Quizzes
Following directions quizzes are given to see how well the students actually follow the directions. There are a bunch of questions that the students do not need to answer if they follow the directions at the top of the page. I made a couple of different ones as well as a Pop Quiz that's free to download on TPT. Click here for your free copy.

Enjoy the day! Just remember, if you can't beat them, join them!

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