Sunday, April 21, 2013

Substitute Folders

My newest project is creating a substitute folder for each month.  I have to admit that this is a time consuming project, but once you get the first one done, it is much easier. 
In each folder, I have made copies of all my work for students and included a read aloud book.  The morning work is on the left side and afternoon work is on the right.  The middle has the lesson plans and master copies with answer keys (I can also use these to make refills once it gets used).  I also included an attendance sheet and substitute comment page for me.
The reason I wanted different folders for each month is to keep with a theme appropriate to that month.  For example, for my September folder (lesson plans listed below), I included work relating to fall/apples.
I recommend making this easy on yourself and copy work from a site you subscribe to.  Also, use old classroom sets of textbooks that you no longer use.  This reduces the copies you need to make.
Feel free to use my basic lesson plan (below) and modify it for your needs.  No more worrying about what the kids will do when you are sick!
Dear Substitute,
          Thank you for being here today!  Please follow the lesson plans below as much as possible. 
8:15-8:20 – Pick up students from the cafeteria. 

8:20-8:30 – Bring the students upstairs to get ready for the day.  I usually put the timer on for about 7 minutes.  The students need to get ready for the day during this time.  Then they can start their morning work – The Red Maple Spreads Its Wings worksheet.  You may want to pass this worksheet out before school starts.  When the timer goes off, I give directions on how to complete their morning work.

8:30-9:00 – Morning Work – This should just be a review of context clues.  I explain to the students how to complete their work, and then they can work independently.  Once the majority of students are done with the morning work, please review the work together.  Students may keep this worksheet.

          * Our classroom librarian can check out library books on the computer.  They can do this at  The username and password are listed by the computer.

          * The name tag checker should check in nametags. 

9:00-9:15 – Read Aloud – read The Giving Tree.  Discuss the story with students while reading – Who are the characters?   What is the setting?  What happened first? 

9:15-9:30 – Writing/Bathroom Break – The students can write anything they want in their journals during this time.  Tell them the writing prompt – Who are you most like, the boy or the tree?  Would you have given as much to the boy if you were the tree?  (This is just an idea that students can use.)

9:30-10:15 – Pass out The Red Maple Spreads Its Wings Packets.  Read the story together as a class.  Depending on the behavior of the students, they may complete this in partners, groups, or as a class.  If you do not complete this together, please review the packet with students.  Students may keep these sheets.

10: 15-10:50 – Language – Pass out the World of Language books that are by the window.  These books have a cat on them.  Complete pages 4-11 on a separate sheet of paper.  Students may need guidance for each part.  Correct with students.  They may keep their work. 

10:50-11:20 – Lunch – You do not have to pick them up from lunch, the Specials teacher will.

11:20-12:00 – Specials (The Special Schedule is on the door frame.)

12:00-1:30 – Complete the Autumn word problems together.  Students can then do the Connect the Dots sheet.  Remind them to pay close attention to the pattern.  This is not an ordinary dot to dot.

1:30-1:45 – Recess – If students have behaved, let them have recess.  You can take them all outside weather permitting.  They can have indoor recess if the weather is bad.  If students have not behaved, they can have silent reading instead.

1:45-2:15 – Students can complete the Autumn Preparation packet with you as a class.  They may keep these sheets. 

2:15-2:30 - Have students write down homework (they do not need homework if they behaved – use this as motivation) and get their book bags together.  People with jobs can do them.  Someone will come by to get the bus riders about 2:20.

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