Gourmet Cook - I don't want to brag, but I am a bit of a gourmet cook as evidenced by the pic below.
My Newest Creation - Grilled Cheese and Pickle Sandwich -YUMMY!
See, I told you I was a gourmet cook! If you would like to be a gourmet cook just like me, check out my affiliate link below to get the Orgreen Flip Jack Pan. This is also great for making gourmet pancakes! (FYI - I like it better than other products since it completely closes making it less likely for me to make a mess when I flip it over.)
Only about a minute on each side to make the perfect grilled cheese!
Kids Say... - The setting - Summer School Student Breakfast
Student: "I will divide my bagel into half see you each get a piece."
Me: "If you divide into four pieces, that's called fourths. You each get 1/4 of the bagel." - Proceeds to demonstrate why this is true.
Student: "Wait! That's fractions. How could you try to teach math right now? It's breakfast."
I am such a mean teacher trying to sneak learning in whenever possible.
Fifth Grade - Are you a Fifth Grade Reading Teacher using Scott Foresman Reading Street? If so, check out Red Kayak, the first story in the series for a complete reading and spelling packet. Click the pic below to check it out.
Annual Make and Take - Today is the annual Make and Take of some of my teacher friends. I have tons of projects I want to make today. Let's see how many actually get done.
Packing my Bags - I am packing my bags and getting ready to move to a new blog address. Don't worry! The layout and everything will still be the same. I am just changing to an address that matches the name. Everything here will remain the same so you can come back and reference any of your favorite posts.
Please click the picture to check out my new site. There, you will see a post for a freebie! Check it out soon, because it won't last long! I can't wait to see you there!